Badezimmer (n) | bathroom |
Balken (m) | beam |
Balkon (m) | balcony |
Ballungsgebiet (n) / Ballungsraum (m) | agglomeration / conurbation |
Bandbreite (f) | scope / range |
Bankdienstleistung(en) (f/pl) | banking service(s) |
Bankenaufsicht (f) | Financial Market Supervisory Board |
Bankgarantie (f) | payment guarantee |
Bankgebühr(en) (f/pl) | bank fees, bank charges |
Bankleitzahl (f) | bank code |
Bankomat (m) | cash machine / cash dispenser / automated teller machine (ATM) |
Bankverbindlichkeiten (pl) | bank liabilities / accounts payable (due) to banks |
Barvorlage (f) | cash advance |
Barwert (m) | present value / cash value |
Basiszinssatz (m) | base rate |
Bassena (f) | public sink (in tenement houses) |
Bau(unter)grund (m) | subsoil |
Bauabgabe (f) | building tax |
Bauabnahme (f) | final acceptance (by an official inspector) |
Bauabschnitt (m) | construction phase / construction stage |
Bauamt (n) | building authority |
Bauanzeige (f) | notice of intended building works |
Bauarbeiten (pl) | building works / construction works |
Bauart (f) (eines Hauses) | type of construction / style of architecture |
Bauaufseher (m) | inspector of buildings |
Bauaufsicht (f) | construction supervision / building control |
Bauaufsichtsbehörde (f) | construction supervisory board / building authority |
Bauauftrag (m) | construction contract / building contract |
Bauauftrag (m), öffentliche | public works contract |
Bauausführung (f) | execution of construction |
Baubeginn (m) | start of construction / commencement of construction |
Baubehörde (f) | building authority |
Baubeschränkung(en) (f/pl) | building restriction(s) / zoning restriction(s) |
Baubestimmung(en) (f/pl) | building regulation(s) |
Baubetreuung (f) | supervision (of the construction) |
Baubewilligung (f) | building permit |
Baudauer (f) | construction period |
bauen | build, to / construct, to |
baufällig | dilapidated / in a bad state of repair / out of repair |
Baufälligkeit (f) | dilapidation / dilapidated condition / disrepair |
Baufehler (m) | structural defect /building defect |
Baufertigstellung (f) | project completion / completion of construction |
Baufertigstellungsanzeige (f) | notice of completion |
Baufinanzierung (f) | construction financing / housing finance |
Baufirma (f) | construction firm |
Baufluchtlinie (f) | setback / building line |
Baufortschritt (m) | construction progress / building progress |
Baufortschrittskontrolle (f) | monitoring of construction progress |
Baufrist (f) | obligation to build within a certain period |
Baugelände (n) | building site /construction site |
Baugenehmigung (f) | building permit |
Baugenossenschaft (f) | building cooperative / cooperative building society |
Baugrundstück (n) | building (p)lot |
Bauherr (m) | client / principal / owner |
Bauhöhe (f) | overall height |
Bauholz (n) | timber / wood |
Bauhütte (f) | site hut |
Bauingenieurwesen (n) | civil engineering |
Bauklasse (f) | building class |
Baukonto (n) | project account |
Baukosten (pl) | building costs / construction costs |
Baukostenplan (m) | plan of construction costs |
Baukostenzuschuss (m) | construction cost subsidy |
Baukran (m) | building crane |
Baukredit (m) | building loan |
Bauleitung (f) | site supervision |
baulich | constructional |
Baulückenkataster (m/n) | cadaster of building gaps |
Baulückenverbauung (f) | infill scheme |
Baumaterial(ien) (n/pl) | building material(s) |
Baumeister (m) | builder |
Bauordnung (f) | building regulation / building code |
Bauperiode (f) | period of construction |
Bauplan (m) | construction plan / architectural drawings |
Bauplatz (m) | building site /construction site |
Bauplatzschaffung (f) | building site creation |
Baupolizei (f) | building inspectors |
Baupreisindex (m) | construction price index |
Baurecht (n) | building right on leasehold property |
Baurechtberechtigter (m) | siehe Baurechtnehmer |
Baurechtgeber (m) | land owner who grants building rights on his/her land |
Baurechtnehmer (m) | person entitled to build on leasehold property |
Bauschaden (m) | damage caused during construction |
Bauschlosser (m) | building fitter |
Bauspardarlehen (n) | building society loan |
bausparen | save through a building and loan association, to |
Bausparen (n) | building society savings |
Bausparer (m) | building society saver |
Bausparkasse (f) | building and loan association / building society |
Bausparvertrag (m) | building society?s savings agreement |
Bausperre (f) | construction ban |
Baustadium (n) | stage of construction / construction phase |
Baustadium (n), im B. stecken geblieben | construction has been halted |
Baustahl (m) | structural steel |
Baustatik (f) | structural analysis / structural design |
Baustelle (f) | building site /construction site |
Baustelleneinrichtung (f) | set-up of building site / building site facilities |
Bausubstanzerhaltungsmaßnahme (f) | structural maintenance |
Bautafel (f) | construction site sign |
Bautätigkeit(en) (f/pl) | construction activity(-ies) |
Bauteil (m) | building component(s) |
Bauträger (m) | housing developer / (building) developer |
Bauträgervertrag (m) | construction contract / development contract |
BauträgervertragsGesetz (n) | Housing Developers' Contract Act |
Bauträgerwettbewerb (m) | housing tender |
Bauunternehmer (m) | building contractor / builder |
Bauvertrag (m) | construction contract |
Bauverwaltungskosten (pl) | building management costs |
Bauvorbereitung (f) | building site preparation / building site set-up |
Bauvorhaben (n) | building project |
Bauvorschrift (f) | building regulation / building code |
Bauwert (m) | construction value |
Bauwich (m) | setback / building line |
Bauwirtschaft (f) | building sector /construction industry / building trade |
Bauzeitplan (m) | building schedule |
Beamte (m) | officer / civil servant |
beantragen | apply for, to |
Bearbeitungsgebühr (f) | handling fee / arrangement fee |
bebautes Grundstück (n) | developed real estate / improved land |
Bebauung (f), dichte | high-density development |
Bebauungsplan (m) | zoning plan / development scheme |
Bebauungsregel(n) (f/pl) | zoning regulation(s) |
Bebauungsstruktur (f) | building structure |
Bebauungsvorschriften (pl) | planning regulations / development rules |
Bedingung (f) | term / condition / pre-condition |
Bedürfnis (n) / Bedürfnisse (pl) | requirement(s) / need(s) |
Beeinträchtigung (f) | interference / disruption |
befristet | fixed-term / for a definite period |
befristete Bauten (pl) | terminable buildings |
befristeter Mietvertrag (m) / befristetes Mietverhältnis (n) | fixed term tenancy / fixed-term rental contract / fixed-term lease agreement |
beglaubigt(es Dokument) | notarized / legalised (BE) / certified (document) |
Beglaubigung (f) | notarization / certification / legalisation |
begleitet von | accompanied by |
Begrünung (f) | greening / landscaping |
begünstigen / begünstigt | favo(u)r, to / favo(u)rable(-ly) |
Begünstigte (m) | beneficiary |
begünstigte Darlehen (n) | favo(u)rable loan / subsidized loan (gefördert) |
Begutachtung (f) | assessment / valuation / survey |
behindert | disabled / handicapped |
Behinderte(r) (m/f) | person with special needs / handicapped person /disabled person |
behindertengerecht | compatible for people with special needs |
Behindertenwohnung(en) (f/pl) | dwellings for people with special needs / sheltered unit(s) |
Behinderung (f) | disability |
Behörde(n) (f/pl) | authority(-ies) |
behördlich | official |
Beihilfe (f) | subsidy / grant / allowance |
Beihilfenbezieher (m) | beneficiary (Begünstigter) / recipient (Empfänger) of?. |
Beirat (m) | advisory board / council |
Beitrag (m) | contribution |
Beitritt (m) (EU-Beitritt) | accession (EU-accession) |
Belästigung (f) | harassment |
Belastung (f) im Grundbuch | encumbrance |
Belastung(en) (f/pl), aushaftende | outstanding charge(s) |
Belegung (f) | occupancy (level) |
Belegungsgrad (m) | occupancy rate |
Belehnungswert (m) | mortgage lending value |
beleihbar (geeignet / qualifiziert) | mortgageable /eligible for collateralization |
Beleihungsgrenze (f) | lending ceiling |
Beleuchtung (f) | lighting |
benachteiligen | discriminate, to |
benachteiligte Gruppe(n) (f/pl) | disadvantaged group(s) |
Benachteiligung (f) | discrimination |
benutzbar | fit for use / useable |
Benützungskosten (pl) | occupancy costs |
bequem | comfortable / convenient |
beraten | advise, to / consult (with), to |
Berechtigung (f) | authorization / entitlement |
bereitstellen / bereitgestellt | provide / provided |
Bereitstellung (f) | provision / supply |
Bereitstellungsgebühr (f) | commitment fee (fin.) |
Berichtspflicht (f) | duty to report |
berücksichtigen | consider, to |
berufen auf, sich | refer, to |
Berufung (f) einlegen | appeal, to |
Berufungskommission (f) (2. Instanz für Wohnungswerber, England) | Court of Appeal for Housing Applicants |
Beschaffenheit (f) | state / condition |
Beschaffung (f) | procurement |
Beschäftigungssituation (f) | employment situation |
Beschlag (m) (techn.) | metal fittings |
beschränkt | limited (to) / restricted (to) |
Beschränkung (f) | restriction / constraint |
Besicherung (f) | collateral / collateralization |
Besichtigung (f) | viewing/ inspection |
Besitz (m) , lastenfrei | unencumbered asset |
Besitzanspruch (m) | claim to ownership / possessory claim |
besitzen | own, to / possess, to |
Besitzstörung (f) | trespass / intrusion |
besonders | especial(ly) / in particular |
Bestand (m) | stock |
beständig | sustainable / lasting |
Bestandsaufnahme (f) | inventory |
Bestandsimmobilien (pl) | portfolio properties |
Bestandverhältnis (n) | tenure |
Bestechung (f) | bribery / corruption |
Besteuerung (f) | taxation |
Bestimmung(en) (f/pl) eines Gesetzentwurfs | provision(s) of a bill / draft |
Bestlage (f) | prime location |
Beton (m) | concrete |
Betonfertigteile (pl) | prefabricated concrete elements |
Betrachtungsweise (f) | approach / perspective |
Betreten (n) verboten | no trespassing |
Betriebsgelände (n) | premises |
Betriebskosten (pl) | running costs / operating costs / service charges / maintenance cost (AE) |
Betriebskostenabrechnung (f) | service charge invoice, annual (quarterly) |
Betriebskostenentwicklung (f) | development of servicing and maintenance charges |
Betriebsmittelkredit (m) | working capital loan |
betroffen | involved / affected, by / concerned |
Beurteilung (f) | evaluation / analysis / assessment |
Beurteilung (f) vom Investitionsstandpunkt | investment appraisal |
Bevölkerungsentwicklung (f) | population growth/development |
Bevölkerungsschichten (pl) , breite | broad levels of the population |
Bevölkerungswachstum (n) | population growth |
bevollmächtigen | authorize, to / authorise, to (BE) |
Bevollmächtigte (m) | authorized person / representative |
Bevorratung (f) | supply / stocking |
bevorstehend | pending (jur.) / upcoming / imminent |
Bewässerung (f) | irrigation |
bewegliche Sachen (pl) | movables |
Beweglichkeit (f) | mobility / flexibility |
Bewehrung (f) | reinforcement |
Bewertung (f) | evaluation / appraisal / valuation |
Bewertung (f) zu Wiederherstellungskosten (f) (minus AfA) | depreciated replacement cost valuation |
Bewertungsgutachten (n) | valuation report |
Bewertungsmethode (f) | valuation method |
Bewilligung (f) | permit / consent / permission |
Bewilligungsverfahren (n) | permit procedure / permission procedure |
Bewirtschaftungskosten (pl) | running costs / operating costs / service charges |
Bewohner (m/pl) | resident / dweller / occupant |
bewohnerorientiert | tailored to the needs of the residents |
Bewohnerversammlung (f) | residents' meeting / residents' reunion |
Bezahlung (f), einmalig | lump (sum) payment |
beziehen auf, sich | refer, to |
Bezirk (m) (Land) | community / commune |
Bezirk (m) (Stadt) | district |
Bezirkshauptmannschaft (BH) (f) | community government |
bezugsfertig | move-in condition, in / ready for occupation |
Bilanz (f) | balance sheet / financial statement |
billig | inexpensive |
Bindeglied (n) | link / connector |
Bindung (f) (Vermögensbindung) | tying-up (-of capital) |
BIP (Bruttoinlandsprodukt) (n) | GDP (gross domestic product) |
blanko | unsecured |
Blanko-Rekta-Wechsel (m) | non-negotiable bill of exchange in blank |
Blankokredit (m) | unsecured loan |
Blitzableiter (m) | lightning rod |
Blitzschutz (m) | lightning protection |
Blocksanierung (f) (A) | block renewal |
Boden (m) | land |
Bodenbereitstellung (f) | land provision |
Bodenbeschaffenheit (f) | soil conditions |
Bodenbeschaffung (f) | land procurement |
Bodenmarkt (m) | land market |
Bodenplatte (f) | slab |
Bodenspekulation (f) | land speculation |
Bodenuntersuchung (f) | soil survey |
Bodenwertsteigerungsabgabe (f) | capital gains taxes on the appreciation of land value |
Bogen (m) / Bögen (pl) (z.B. Spitzbögen) | arch / arches (e.g. pointed arches) |
bohren | drill, to |
Bonität (f) | credit rating / creditworthiness |
Bonitätsauskunft (f) | credit rating agency report |
Börsenwert (m) | market value |
Böschung (f) | slope |
Branchendurchschnitt (m) | sector average |
Breite (f) | width |
Briefkasten (m) | letter box / mail box |
Briefkurs (m) | selling rate |
Broschüre (f) | prospectus / brochure / leaflet |
Bruttoaußenfläche (f) | gross external area |
Bruttogeschossfläche (f) | gross floor area |
Bruttoinlandsprodukt (n) (BIP) | gross domestic product (GDP) |
Bruttonationalprodukt (n) | gross national product |
Bruttoumsatz (m) | gross revenue |
Bücherschrank (m) | bookcase |
Buchwert (m) | book value / carrying value |
budgetär | budgetary |
Budgeteinsparung(en) (f/pl) | budget consolidation / budget cuts |
Budgetzuweisung (f) | budget allocation |
Bundesanleihe (f) | federal bond |
Bundesdenkmalamt (n) | Federal Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments |
Bundesdenkmalschutz (m) (unter B. stehen) | subject to preservation control for historical buildings |
Bundesgesetz (n) | federal act/law |
Bundesland (n) / Bundesländer (pl) | province(s) / federal province(s) |
Bundeswohn- und Siedlungsfonds (m), BWSF (A) | Federal Housing and Homes Fund |
Bürge (m) | guarantor / surety |
Bürgermeister (m) | mayor |
Büro (n) | office |
Büro (n) des stellvertretenden Premierministers (England) - ist verantwortlich für die Errichtung leistbarer Häuser und Wohnanlagen | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) - responsible for the building of new affordable homes and communities |
Bürofläche (f) | office space / area |
Bürogebäude (n) | office building |
Büromiete (f) | office rent |
Bußzahlung (f) | penalty / punitive charges |