
Verzeichnis Deutsch-Englisch

Verzeichnis Deutsch-Englisch

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ideeller Wert (m)sentimental/special value
im Bau (m) befindlichunder construction / work in progress
im Namen (m) vonon behalf of
Immaterialgüter (pl)intangible assets
Immission (f)ambient air pollution
Immobilie (f)property / real estate
Immobilie (f), baufälligderelict property
Immobilienaktiengesellschaft (f), börsennotiertlisted real estate company
Immobilienblase (f)real estate bubble
Immobilienbranche (f)real estate sector/industry
Immobiliendatenbank (f)property database
Immobilienentwickler (m)real estate developer
Immobilienfonds (m/pl)estate fund / property fund(s)
Immobilienhändler (m)real estate agent / estate agent (BE) / broker / realtor
Immobilienindex (m)investment property index
Immobilieninvestor (m)real estate investor
Immobilienleasing (n)real estate leasing
Immobilienmakler (m)real estate broker / realtor
Immobilienpreisspiegel (m)real estate price comparison table
Immobilienrente (f)income mortgage / personal income mortgage
Immobiliensachverständiger (m)appraiser / valuer / surveyor
Immobilienspekulation (f)real estate speculation
Immobilientreuhänder (m)real estate agent / trustee
Immobilienverwalter (m)real estate manager
Immobilienverwaltung (f)real estate management
in Bewegung (f) setzenmove-on, to
in der Nähe (f) vonnear to / close to
in Gründung (f) (i.G.)currently being established
in Kraft (f) tretenenter into force
Inanspruchnahme (f)claim(ing) / draw down (Kredit) / usage / execution
Inbesitznahme (f)lawful entry/seizure
Indexmietvereinbarung (f)rent indexation agreement / escalation lease
Individualverkehr (m)traffic / car traffic
Industrieanlagebau (m)plant engineering/construction
Industrieimmobilie (f)industrial property
Inflationsrate (f)inflation rate
Informationspflicht (f)duty to supply information
Infrastrukturbereitstellung (f)provision of infrastructure
Inhaber (m) (eines Wertpapiers)bearer
Inländer (m/pl)native / national / resident(s)
Innenausbau (m)interior finish
Innenausstattung (f)interior fit-out
Innenhof (m)courtyard
Innenwand (f)internal / interior wall
Inserat (n)ad(vert) / advertisement
Insolvenz (f)insolvency
Installateur (m)plumber
Instandhaltung (f) maintenance / preservation
Instandhaltungsarbeiten (pl), allgemeinegeneral maintenance
Instandhaltungsarbeitsrückstand (m)maintenance backlog
Instandhaltungsfonds (m)maintenance fund / repair fund
Instandhaltungskosten (pl)maintenance costs
Instandhaltungsplan (m)planned maintenance
Instandhaltungsrücklage (f)maintenance reserve
Instandsetzung (f) restoration / refurbishment / renovation / rehabilitation / reinstatement
Institutionalisierung (f)institutionalization
Interessenvertretung (f)lobby / representation of interests
Inventaraufnahme (f)inventory taking
Investition(en) (f/pl)investment(s) / (capital) expenditure(s)
Investitionsablöse (f)redemption sum (redemption to compensate for investments)
Investitionsaufwand (m)capital expenditure (capex)
Investitionsförderung (f)investment incentive
Investitionsmethode (f)investment method
Investitionsmittel (pl)funds
Investitionstätigkeit (f)investment activity
Investitionswert (m)investment value
Irreführung (f)deception / deceit
Irrtum (m) vorbehaltenerrors and omissions excepted
Isolierung (f)heat-insulation / thermal insulation / insulation