Kabelanschluss (m) (TV) | cable TV connection |
Kachelofen (m) | tiled stove |
Kaltmiete (f) | rent without utilities / net rent |
Kamin (m) | chimney |
Kaminkopf (m) | chimney pot |
Kanalisation (f) / Kanalnetz (n) | sewer / sewerage system |
Kandidat (m) | candidate |
Kapital (n), gebunden | fixed capital |
Kapitalaufbringung (f) | fundraising |
Kapitalaufwand (m) | capital investment |
Kapitalbedarf (m) | capital requirements |
Kapitalerhöhung (f) | capital increase |
Kapitalertragsteuer (f) (KESt) | capital gains tax (CGT) |
Kapitalgewinne (pl) | capital gains |
kapitalisieren | capitalize, to |
kapitalisiert auf Basis (f) ewiger Rente (f) | capitalized into perpetuity |
Kapitallenkung (f) / Kapitallenkungsmaßnahmen (pl) | capital allocation (measures) |
Kapitalmarkt (m), freier | free capital market |
Kapitalrückzahlung (f) (als Teil der Kreditrückzahlung) | repayment of principal |
Kapitalströme (pl) | capital flows |
Kapitalwertsteigerung (f) | capital appreciation |
Kataster (m/n) | cadastre |
Katastralgemeinde (f) | cadastral district/office |
Katastrophe (f) | disaster |
Kauf (m) | acquisition / purchase |
kaufen | acquire, to / purchase, to / buy, to |
Käufer (m) | buyer |
Kaufhaus (n) | department store |
Kaufoption (f) | purchase option |
Kaufpreis (m) | purchase price |
Kaufprüfung (f) | due diligence report |
Kaufrecht (n) zu reduziertem Preis (England: für Altmieter) | right to buy at a discount |
Kaufvertrag (m) | purchase contract / sales agreement |
kaum | barely |
Kaution (f) | deposit |
Keller (m) / Kellergeschoss (n) | cellar / basement |
Kernpunkt (m) | essence / focal point |
Kinderspielplatz (m) | playground |
Klage (f) | claim / legal action |
klagen (jur) | sue, to |
Kläranlage (f) | sewage treatment plant |
klassifizieren | grade, to / rate, to |
Klausel (f) | clause / provision / term (of a contract) |
kleben | stick, to |
Kleiderschrank (m) | closet / wardrobe (BE) |
kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (n/pl) (KMU) | small and medium sized enterprise(s) (SME) |
kleine Wohnung (f) | small apartment / studio / small-sized dwelling |
Kleingarten (m) | garden allotment |
Kletterdarlehen (n) | stepped interest loan / climbing loan |
Klimaanlage (f) | air-condition(ing) (AC) |
Knappheit (f) | shortage |
Kohle (f) | coal |
Kollaudierung (f) | acceptance / final acceptance |
Kollektivverhandlungen (pl) | collective bargaining |
Kollektivvertrag (m) | collective agreement |
Komitee (n) | committee |
Kommanditgesellschaft (f) (KG) | limited partnership |
Kommission (f) zur Mietenfestsetzung (England) | rent assessment committee |
Kommissionsgebühren (pl) | commission fee |
Kommunalsteuer (f) | municipal tax |
Kommunalverwaltung (f) | municipal administration |
Kompensationsanspruch (m) | claim to compensation |
Komponente(n) (f/pl) | component(s) |
Kondition(en) (f/pl) | condition(s) / term(s) |
Konfliktsituation (f) | conflict situation |
Konjunktureinbruch (m) | economic slump |
Konkurrenz (f) | competition |
Konkurrenzklausel (f) | noncompetition clause /non-compete clause |
Konkurs (m) | bankruptcy |
Konsole (f) | support / gallows bracket |
Konsortialdarlehen (n) | syndicate loan / syndicated credit |
Konsortium (n) | consortium / syndicate |
Konstruktion (f) | structure |
Konsument (m) | consumer |
Konsumentenschutz (m) | consumer protection |
Konsumentenschutzmaßnahme (f) | consumer protection measure |
Konsumverhalten (n) | consumption pattern |
Kontaminierung (f) | contamination |
Kontoauszug (m) | statement (of account) |
Kontoführungskosten (pl) | account management fee / bank charge |
Kontokorrentkonto (n) | current account |
Kontostand (m) | account balance |
kontrollieren | monitor, to / check, to |
Konventionalstrafe (f) | penalty |
konvertierbar, nicht | inconvertible |
Konvertierung (f) (einer Währung) | currency conversion / translation |
Konzept (n) | scheme / concept |
Konzession (f) | concession / license |
Koordinator (m) | coordinator |
Körperschaftsteuer (f) (KSt) | corporate tax |
Korruption (f) | corruption / bribery |
Kosten (pl) (Preis) | cost(s) |
Kostenanstieg (m) | cost increase |
Kostenaufstellung (f) | itemized list of costs / breakdown of costs |
kostendeckend | cost covering |
kostendeckender Verkaufspreis (m) | cost price |
Kostendeckung (f) | cost-recovery |
Kostendeckungsprinzip (n) | cost covering principle |
Kostendruck (m) | cost pressure |
Kostenmiete (f) | cost rent |
Kostenschätzung (f) | cost estimate |
Kostenverteilung (f) | cost distribution |
Kostenvoranschlag (m) | cost estimate |
Kredit (m) | loan (capital market) / lendings |
Kreditansuchen (n) | application for a loan |
Kreditantrag (m) | loan application |
Kreditgeber (m) | lender |
Kreditgebühr (f) | loan fee / loan charge |
Kreditinanspruchnahme (f) | draw down / disbursement / loan drawing |
Kreditkommission (f) | credit committee |
Kreditlinie (f) | credit line |
Kreditnachfrage (f) | credit demand |
Kreditnehmer (m) | borrower / debtor |
Kreditrahmen (m) | credit line |
Kreditübernahme (f) | credit takeover |
Kreditvertragsgebühr (f) | credit agreement fee |
Kreditzusage (f) | loan commitment / loan approval |
Kreuzung (f) / Kreuzungsbereich (m) | crossroads |
Krise (f) | crisis |
Kriterien (pl) | criteria / criterions |
Kubikmeterpreis (m) | price per cubic meter |
Küchenzeile (f) | kitchen unit / kitchenette |
Kunde (m) | client / customer / contracting entity |
Kundenberater (m) | customer adviser |
Kundenbindung (f) | customer relationship management (CRM) |
kündigen | give notice, to / dismiss, to (Angestellte) |
Kündigung (f) | cancellation / termination |
Kündigung (f) einer Hypothek (f) | foreclosure |
Kündigungsgebühr (f) | cancellation fee / early repayment fee (Kredit) |
Kündigungsschutz (m), gesetzlicher | statuary protection from eviction |
Kunststofffenster (n/pl) | plastic window(s) / PVC window |
Kupfer (n) | copper |
Kursaussetzung (f) | suspension of quotation |
Kursrisiko (n) | foreign exchange risk / exchange rate risk |
Kursrückgang (m) | decline in prices / drop in prices |
Kurssicherung (f) | hedging (fin) |
kurzfristig | short-term |
Kürzung (f) | reduction |
Kurzzeitmiete (f) (befristet) | short-term rent /shorthold tenancy |