
Verzeichnis Deutsch-Englisch

Verzeichnis Deutsch-Englisch

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Rahmen (m), freier (fin)indefinite limit (fin)
Rahmenbedingung(en) (f/pl)general terms/condition(s)
Rampe (f) ramp
Randgebiet (n) / Randzone (f)fringe
Randlage (f)outskirts / peripheral location
Rang (m) (z.B. einer Hypothek)rank
Rangordnung (f) der beabsichtigten Verpfändungranking of intended hypothecation
Rangrücktrittsvereinbarung (f)subordination agreement
Rassendiskriminierung (f)racial discrimination
Rat (m) advice
Rate (f) (Wachstums-)rate
Ratenkauf (m)purchase by installments / installments purchase
Ratenzahlung(en) (f/pl) payment by insta(l)lments
Rathaus (n)town/city hall
Ratschlag (m)advice
Rauchfang (m)chimney
Raum (m)space / room
Raumaufteilung (f)floor plan / room layout
räumenevict, to / clear, to
Raumhöhe (f)headroom / floor-to-ceiling height
Raumordnungsplan (m)regional development plan / regional policy plan
Raumteiler (m)room divider
Räumung (f)eviction (zwangsweise) / vacating / clearance
Räumungsaufforderung (f) notice seeking possession
Räumungsklage (f)eviction order
Realisierbarkeit (f)feasibility
Reallast (f)land charge (imposing certain recurring obligations in favor of the holder of the charge)
Rechenschaft (f)accountability
Rechnung (f)invoice
Rechnungskreis (m)accounting entity
Rechnungslegung (f)invoicing
Rechnungsprüfung (f)auditing
rechtlich legal
rechtliche Hindernisse (pl)legal obstacles / legal restrictions
rechtmäßiglawful / legitimate / rightful
Rechtsanspruch (m)legal claim / legal title / entitlement
Rechtsanwalt (m)lawyer / solicitor / attorney (at law)
Rechtsform (f)legal form/structure / form of organization
Rechtsgeschäftsgebühr (f)legal transaction fee
Rechtsinhaber (m)entitled person / holder of rights
Rechtskraft (f)legal effect
Rechtsnachfolger (m/pl)successor(s) in title
Rechtsstreit (m)litigation (jur)
Rechtsverfolgung (f)legal prosecution
Rechtsvorgänger (m/pl)predecessor(s) in title
reduzierendecrease, to / reduce, to / lower, to
Referent (m) specialist
Referenz (f)reference
Referenzprojekt (n)reference project
Refinanzierung (f)refinancing
regelmäßigperiodical / regular
Regenrinne (f)gutter
regional regional
Regionalkommission (f)regional committee
Regress (m)recourse / regress
Regulierung (f)regulation
Reihenhaus (n)row house / town house / terraced house (BE)
Reihenhausanlage (f)row house complex
Reihenhaussiedlung (f)estate of terraced houses (BE)
Reinertrag (m)net income / net yield
Reinigung (f)cleaning
Reinigungspersonal (n)cleaner / janitor
Reklamation (f)complaint
Rendite (f)rate of return / yield / return on investment (ROI)
renditesichersecured yield
renovierenrenovate, to
Renovierung (f)refurbishment / renovation
Rentabilität (f)profitability / rate of return
Reparaturarbeiten (pl), allgemeinegeneral repair
Reparaturdienst (m) für alte Bewohner (England)care and repair
Reparaturen (pl) / Reparaturarbeiten (pl)repair (works)
Reparaturfonds (m)maintenance fund / repair fund
Reparaturreserve (f) / Reparaturrücklage (f)maintenance reserve / sinking fund
reparierenrepair, to
Reprivatisierung (f) von Grundstückenrestitution/reprivatization of property
restaurierenrestore, to
Restlaufzeit (f)remaining life / remaining time to maturity (of a loan)
Restnutzungsdauer (f)residual life
Restwert (m)residual value
Restwertmethode (f)residual value approach
Revision (f)audit / internal audit
Reziprozität (f) reciprocity
Richtfest (n)topping out ceremony
Richtkosten (pl), jährlich verlautbarte (England)total indicative costs (TICs)
Richtlinie(n) (f/pl)guideline(s) / regulation(s)
Richtwert (m)benchmark / guide(line) value / indicatory value / recommended value
Richtwertmiete (f) (A)benchmark rent
Risikobeteiligung (f)risk participation
Risikozuschlag (m)risk premium
Riss (m)crack
Rodung (f)land clearing / clearing (woodland)
Rohbau (m)shell of a/the house / building envelope
Rohertrag (m)gross income / gross yield
Rohmaterial (n)raw material
Rohputz (m)render
Rollladen (m)roller shutter
Rolltreppe (f)escalator
Rückabwicklung (f)restitution / annulment / rescission
Rückansicht (f)rear view / rear elevation
Rückerstattung (f)payback / reimbursement
Rückführung (f)repatriation / repayment
Rückgang (m) des Zinsniveausdecline in interest rates
Rückkaufoption (f)buy-back option / repurchase option
Rücklage(n) (f/pl)reserve(s)
Rücklagenbildung (f)accumulation of reserves
Rücksicht (f) / R. nehmen aufconsideration / to be considerate of
Rückstellung(en) (f/pl)provision(s) / accrual(s)
Rücktritt (m)rescission / cancellation
Rücktritt (m) (Vertrags-)rescission / cancellation / withdrawal (of a contract)
Rücktrittsklausel (f)escape clause
Rücktrittsrecht (n)right of withdrawal
Rückzahlung (f), vorzeitigearly / premature repayment