Rahmen (m), freier (fin) | indefinite limit (fin) |
Rahmenbedingung(en) (f/pl) | general terms/condition(s) |
Rampe (f) | ramp |
Randgebiet (n) / Randzone (f) | fringe |
Randlage (f) | outskirts / peripheral location |
Rang (m) (z.B. einer Hypothek) | rank |
Rangordnung (f) der beabsichtigten Verpfändung | ranking of intended hypothecation |
Rangrücktrittsvereinbarung (f) | subordination agreement |
Rassendiskriminierung (f) | racial discrimination |
Rat (m) | advice |
Rate (f) (Wachstums-) | rate |
Ratenkauf (m) | purchase by installments / installments purchase |
Ratenzahlung(en) (f/pl) | payment by insta(l)lments |
Rathaus (n) | town/city hall |
Ratschlag (m) | advice |
Rauchfang (m) | chimney |
Raum (m) | space / room |
Raumaufteilung (f) | floor plan / room layout |
räumen | evict, to / clear, to |
Raumhöhe (f) | headroom / floor-to-ceiling height |
Raumordnungsplan (m) | regional development plan / regional policy plan |
Raumteiler (m) | room divider |
Räumung (f) | eviction (zwangsweise) / vacating / clearance |
Räumungsaufforderung (f) | notice seeking possession |
Räumungsklage (f) | eviction order |
Realisierbarkeit (f) | feasibility |
Reallast (f) | land charge (imposing certain recurring obligations in favor of the holder of the charge) |
Rechenschaft (f) | accountability |
Rechnung (f) | invoice |
Rechnungskreis (m) | accounting entity |
Rechnungslegung (f) | invoicing |
Rechnungsprüfung (f) | auditing |
rechtlich | legal |
rechtliche Hindernisse (pl) | legal obstacles / legal restrictions |
rechtmäßig | lawful / legitimate / rightful |
Rechtsanspruch (m) | legal claim / legal title / entitlement |
Rechtsanwalt (m) | lawyer / solicitor / attorney (at law) |
Rechtsform (f) | legal form/structure / form of organization |
Rechtsgeschäftsgebühr (f) | legal transaction fee |
Rechtsinhaber (m) | entitled person / holder of rights |
Rechtskraft (f) | legal effect |
Rechtsnachfolger (m/pl) | successor(s) in title |
Rechtsstreit (m) | litigation (jur) |
Rechtsverfolgung (f) | legal prosecution |
Rechtsvorgänger (m/pl) | predecessor(s) in title |
reduzieren | decrease, to / reduce, to / lower, to |
Referent (m) | specialist |
Referenz (f) | reference |
Referenzprojekt (n) | reference project |
Refinanzierung (f) | refinancing |
regelmäßig | periodical / regular |
Regenrinne (f) | gutter |
regional | regional |
Regionalkommission (f) | regional committee |
Regress (m) | recourse / regress |
Regulierung (f) | regulation |
Reihenhaus (n) | row house / town house / terraced house (BE) |
Reihenhausanlage (f) | row house complex |
Reihenhaussiedlung (f) | estate of terraced houses (BE) |
Reinertrag (m) | net income / net yield |
Reinigung (f) | cleaning |
Reinigungspersonal (n) | cleaner / janitor |
Reklamation (f) | complaint |
Rendite (f) | rate of return / yield / return on investment (ROI) |
renditesicher | secured yield |
renovieren | renovate, to |
Renovierung (f) | refurbishment / renovation |
Rentabilität (f) | profitability / rate of return |
Reparaturarbeiten (pl), allgemeine | general repair |
Reparaturdienst (m) für alte Bewohner (England) | care and repair |
Reparaturen (pl) / Reparaturarbeiten (pl) | repair (works) |
Reparaturfonds (m) | maintenance fund / repair fund |
Reparaturreserve (f) / Reparaturrücklage (f) | maintenance reserve / sinking fund |
reparieren | repair, to |
repräsentativ | prestigious |
Reprivatisierung (f) von Grundstücken | restitution/reprivatization of property |
restaurieren | restore, to |
Restlaufzeit (f) | remaining life / remaining time to maturity (of a loan) |
Restnutzungsdauer (f) | residual life |
Restwert (m) | residual value |
Restwertmethode (f) | residual value approach |
Revision (f) | audit / internal audit |
Reziprozität (f) | reciprocity |
Richtfest (n) | topping out ceremony |
Richtkosten (pl), jährlich verlautbarte (England) | total indicative costs (TICs) |
Richtlinie(n) (f/pl) | guideline(s) / regulation(s) |
Richtwert (m) | benchmark / guide(line) value / indicatory value / recommended value |
Richtwertmiete (f) (A) | benchmark rent |
Risikobeteiligung (f) | risk participation |
Risikozuschlag (m) | risk premium |
Riss (m) | crack |
Rodung (f) | land clearing / clearing (woodland) |
Rohbau (m) | shell of a/the house / building envelope |
rohbaufertig | topped-out |
Rohertrag (m) | gross income / gross yield |
Rohmaterial (n) | raw material |
Rohputz (m) | render |
Rollladen (m) | roller shutter |
Rolltreppe (f) | escalator |
rostfrei | stainless |
Rückabwicklung (f) | restitution / annulment / rescission |
Rückansicht (f) | rear view / rear elevation |
Rückerstattung (f) | payback / reimbursement |
Rückführung (f) | repatriation / repayment |
Rückgang (m) des Zinsniveaus | decline in interest rates |
Rückkaufoption (f) | buy-back option / repurchase option |
Rücklage(n) (f/pl) | reserve(s) |
Rücklagenbildung (f) | accumulation of reserves |
Rücksicht (f) / R. nehmen auf | consideration / to be considerate of |
Rückstellung(en) (f/pl) | provision(s) / accrual(s) |
Rücktritt (m) | rescission / cancellation |
Rücktritt (m) (Vertrags-) | rescission / cancellation / withdrawal (of a contract) |
Rücktrittsklausel (f) | escape clause |
Rücktrittsrecht (n) | right of withdrawal |
Rückzahlung (f), vorzeitig | early / premature repayment |
ruhig | quiet |