abolition of | Abschaffung (f) von |
abuse / misuse | Missbrauch (m) |
accelerated/early payment | vorzeitige Zahlung (f) |
accept, to | akzeptieren |
accept, to | annehmen |
acceptance (of an offer) | Annahme (f) (eines Angebotes) |
acceptance / final acceptance | Kollaudierung (f) |
access | Zugang (m) |
access | Zugriff (m) |
accessibility | Erreichbarkeit (f) |
accessibility | Zugänglichkeit (f) |
accession (EU-accession) | Beitritt (m) (EU-Beitritt) |
accessories | Zubehör (n) |
accidental / by chance / incidental | zufällig |
accommodation / dwelling / housing/ lodging | Unterkunft (f) |
accommodation / quarter | Quartier (n) |
accompanied by | begleitet von |
according to / as per | gemäß (laut) |
account balance | Kontostand (m) |
account management fee / bank charge | Kontoführungskosten (pl) |
accountability | Rechenschaft (f) |
accountability / responsibility / liability | Verantwortlichkeit (f) |
accounting entity | Rechnungskreis (m) |
accrue, to / accumulate, to | ansammeln |
accumulation of reserves | Rücklagenbildung (f) |
achievable / attainable | erzielbar |
acquire, to / purchase, to / buy, to | erwerben |
acquire, to / purchase, to / buy, to | kaufen |
acquisition / purchase | Erwerb (m) |
acquisition / purchase | Kauf (m) |
acquisition costs | Anschaffungskosten (pl) |
ad(vert) / advertisement | Anzeige (Werbeanzeige) (f) |
ad(vert) / advertisement | Inserat (n) |
adaptability | Anpassungsfähigkeit (f) |
adaptation / adjustment | Anpassung (f) |
added value / value added | Wertschöpfung (f) |
addendum / appendix / supplement (to a contract) | Nachtrag (m) (zu einem Vertrag) |
additional / supplementary payment | Nachschuss (m) / Nachschusszahlung (f) |
additional expenses / extra charges | Nebenkosten (f) |
additional tax claim | Steuernachforderung (f) |
adjacent / neighboring | angrenzend |
adjust, to | angleichen |
administrative channels | Verwaltungswege (pl) (pol.) |
administrative proceeding | Verwaltungsvorgang (m) |
advance delivery/payment | Vorleistung (f) |
advance payment / prepayment | Vorauszahlung (f) |
advance payment /prepayment | Anzahlung (f) |
advance sale | Vorverkauf (m) |
adverse possession | Ersitzung (f) |
advertise, to | werben |
advertising campaign | Werbeaktion (f) |
advertising text | Werbetext (m) |
advice | Rat (m) |
advice | Ratschlag (m) |
advise, to / consult (with), to | beraten |
advisory board / council | Beirat (m) |
advisory team for tenants / tenants' advisory team | Mieterbetreuung (f) / Mieterbetreuungsteam (n) |
aeration / ventilation | Lüftung (f) |
aerial / antenna | Antenne (f) |
affordable | erschwinglich |
affordable | leistbar |
affordable rent | Miete (f), leistbar |
after completion | Fertigstellung (f), nach |
aftercare (operations) | Nachbetreuung (f) |
agglomeration / conurbation | Ballungsgebiet (n) / Ballungsraum (m) |
AGM (annual general meeting) | Jahreshauptversammlung (f) |
agreed (upon) / stipulated | vereinbart |
agreed upon / stipulated | vertraglich festgelegt |
agreement | Absprache (f) |
agreement / arrangement | Vereinbarung (f) |
agricultural zoning / use | landwirtschaftliche Widmung (f) |
aims / objective / purpose | Zielsetzung (f) |
air-condition(ing) (AC) | Klimaanlage (f) |
airtight / air proof | luftdicht |
alarm / burglar alarm | Alarmanlage (f) |
align with / adjust, to | abstimmen |
allocate, to | zuteilen |
allocate, to | zuweisen |
allocation | Zuteilung (f) |
allocation | Zuweisung (f) |
allotment / allotment garden/plot | Schrebergarten (m) |
allow, to / permit, to | erlauben |
allow, to / permit, to | gestatten |
allowance / tax exemption / tax free amount | Steuerfreibetrag (m) |
alteration / amendment / modification | Abänderung (f) |
aluminium / aluminum (AE) | Aluminium (n) |
ambient air pollution | Immission (f) |
amend, to | ändern |
amendment (to a contract) | Änderung (f) (zu einem Vertrag) |
amenities | Vorzüge (pl) |
amenity / convenience | Annehmlichkeit (f) |
amenity / convenience | Vorzug (m) |
amortizable loan | Tilgungsdarlehen (n) |
amortization | Tilgung (f) (fin.) |
amortization schedule, repayment plan | Tilgungsplan (m) |
amortizing | tilgend |
analyze, to / evaluate, to | auswerten |
ancillary obligation(s) | Nebenverbindlichkeit(en) (f/pl) |
annex / appendix / addendum (to a contract) | Zusatz (m) (zu einem Vertrag) |
annotation confirming cancellation | Löschungsvermerk (m) |
annual / annually | jährlich |
annual financial statements | Jahresabschluss (m) |
annual ground rent | Jahrespachtzins (m) |
annual profit | Jahresüberschuss (m) |
annual report | Geschäftsbericht (m) |
annual report | Jahresbericht (m) |
annuity | Annuität (f) |
annuity | Pauschalraten (pl) (allgem. z.B. Pension) |
annuity grant /subsidized annuity | Annuitätenzuschuss (m) |
annulment / cancellation / abolition | Aufhebung (f) |
answering machine / voice box | Anrufbeantworter (m) |
answerphone (BE) / answering machine | Telefonanrufbeantworter (m) |
anticyclical | antizyklisch |
apartment (xx year-old apartment) | Altbauwohnung (f) |
apartment / flat (BE) | Wohnung (f) |
apartment / residential building | Wohnobjekt (n) |
apartment / tenement / flat | Mietwohnung (f) |
apartment building | Miethaus (n) |
apartment building | Wohnhaus (n) |
apartment building / block of flats | Wohnblock (m) |
apartment building / tenement (house) | Zinshaus (n) (A) |
apartment complex / housing estate | Wohnhausanlage (f) |
appeal against (jur.) | Anfechtung (f) |
appeal, to | Berufung (f) einlegen |
appeal, to | Einspruch (m) einlegen |
applicant | Antragsteller (m) |
applicant for a grant | Förderungswerber (m) |
application / request | Ansuchen (n) |
application / request | Antrag (m) |
application / request | Gesuch (n) |
application for a loan | Kreditansuchen (n) |
application for mortgage registration / mortgage deed | Hypothekenurkunde (f) |
application for registration of ownership | Grundbuchsgesuch (n) (A) |
application for renovation subsidy | Antrag (m) auf Sanierungsförderung |
application for renovation work / renewal | Sanierungsantrag (m) |
application for subsidy / grant | Förderungsansuchen (n) |
apply for a subsidy / grant, to | Förderung (f), ansuchen um |
apply for, to | beantragen |
appraisal / valuation / survey | Grundstücksbewertung (f) |
appraisal and subsequent subdivision of a building into smaller units for re-sale / conversion from tenancies to owner-occupied housing) | Parifizierung (f) (A) |
appraiser / valuer / surveyor | Immobiliensachverständiger (m) |
appreciation /revaluation / amelioration | Aufwertung (f) |
approach / method | Ansatz (m) |
approach / perspective | Betrachtungsweise (f) |
appropriate / adequate | zweckentsprechend |
appropriate / reasonable | angemessen |
approval | Zustimmung (f) |
approved | zugelassen |
approximate estimation of costs | ungefähre Kostenschätzung (f) |
arbitration (award) | Schiedsspruch (m) |
arbitration committee (between landlords and tenants) / rent commission | Schlichtungsstelle (f) (A) |
arbitration proceedings (between landlords and tenants) / mediation proceedings | Schlichtungsverfahren (n) |
arcade / covered passageway | Laubengang (m) |
arch / arches (e.g. pointed arches) | Bogen (m) / Bögen (pl) (z.B. Spitzbögen) |
architect | Architekt (m) |
archives / collection of documents | Urkundensammlung (f) |
area | Areal (n) |
area manager | Gebietsmanager (m) |
area office | Gebietsbüro (n) |
area renewal office | Gebietsbetreuung (f) (A) |
area renewal office | Sanierungsbüro (n) |
area-oriented renewal | Gebietssanierung (f) |
arrears (to be in) / outstanding payment | Zahlungsrückstand (m) |
articles (of an agreement) | Punkte (pl) (einer Vereinbarung) |
as stipulated in the contract / contractual | vertragsgemäß |
ascertained | ermittelt |
ascertained / determined | festgestellt |
asphalting works | Asphaltierungsarbeiten (pl) |
aspire, to | anstreben |
assess, to | veranlagen |
assess, to / appraise, to / estimate, to / value, to | schätzen |
assess, to / evaluate, to | evaluieren |
assessed value / tax value | Einheitswert (m) (für Grundsteuer) |
assessment | Einschätzung (f) |
assessment / evaluation | Evaluierung (f) |
assessment / tax assessment | Veranlagung (f) (Steuern) |
assessment / valuation / survey | Begutachtung (f) |
asset / economic unit/good | Wirtschaftsgut (n) |
asset liquidity ratio | Anlagendeckungsgrad (m) |
asset valuation / appraisal | Vermögensbewertung (f) |
asset(s) | Vermögenswert (m) / Vermögenswerte (pl) |
asset(s) / goods | Gut (n) / Güter (pl) |
assets | Aktiva (pl) |
assign, to/ transfer,to | übertragen |
assignment / pledge | Abtretung (f) |
assignment / pledge / cession | Zession (f) |
assignment / transfer | Übertragung (f) |
assignment of a receivable / -of a claim | Abtretung (f) einer Forderung |
assisted living arrangement (where people with special needs - especially seniors with disabilities - reside in a facility that provides help with everyday tasks) | Wohnen (n), betreutes |
association | Vereinigung (f) |
association investment profile (AIP) | Finanzprüfbericht (m) (über eine Wohnbaugesellschaft) |
association monitoring profile (AMP) | Prüfbericht (m) (über eine Wohnbaugesellschaft) |
association of flat /condominium owners | Wohnungseigentumsgemeinschaft (f) |
assumed land debits | übernommene Grundlasten (pl) |
assurance /assent / permit / authorization / consent / permission | Zusicherung (f) |
assured short-hold tenancy / assured short-term rent | gesicherte Kurzzeitmiete (f) |
assured tenancy | gesicherte Miete (f) |
attention | Augenmerk (n) |
attic | Dachgeschoss (n) |
attic conversion | Dachbodenausbau (m) |
attic flat / attic apartment | Mansardenwohnung (f) |
auction / sale by auction | Versteigerung (f) |
audit / internal audit | Revision (f) |
auditing | Rechnungsprüfung (f) |
auditor | Wirtschaftsprüfer (m) |
authority for cancellation | Löschungsbewilligung (f) |
authority(-ies) | Behörde(n) (f/pl) |
authorization / (power of) authority | Ermächtigung (f) |
authorization / entitlement | Berechtigung (f) |
authorization / power of attorney / proxy | Vollmacht (f) |
authorize, to / authorise, to (BE) | bevollmächtigen |
authorized person / representative | Bevollmächtigte (m) |
authorized signatory/representative | Prokurist (m) |
authorized to sign | zeichnungsberechtigt |
availability | Verfügbarkeit (f) |
available / on hand / in place | vorhanden |
average income | Durchschnittseinkommen (n) |
average size of households | Haushaltsgröße (f), durchschnittliche |
award / acceptance | Zuschlag (m) |
award a contract, to / place an order with, to | Auftrag (m), erteilen |
award of public works contracts | Vergabe (f) öffentlicher Bauaufträge |